Monday, November 2, 2020

A new meaning to eruption | New definition to word

 So earlier, I watched some funny videos and saw some people doing a Coke Cola and Mentos challenge and this one person burped and some Coke Cola actually came up while he burped and then I thought to myself that there should be a word that means that so I decided to call it eruption when burping and stuff comes up with it.

Eruption - Whenever air pressure is high enough inside the stomach to push food and liquids up.
Example sentence: I got a burp eruption after I drank a liter of soda.

It is actually different then vomiting or throwing up as when you vomit, your stomach muscles actually just pushes the contents within all of a sudden. Which is actually why sometimes you get heavy cramps while throwing up as your stomach is literally squeezing in and pushing everything out. While a burp eruption is actually caused by air pressure.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

PHP - Some dangers of using eval()

 I would like to say something quick that is about the eval() function in PHP. If you don't know what PHP is, PHP is a server-side programming language that most web applications use, such as facebook. If you don't know what eval() is and know what PHP is, the eval() function is kind of like embedding a PHP script.

Now, if you are a PHP programmer and plan to use eval() for anything, a warning for you is to not use it to embed $_GET or $_POST or anything that deals with the url string.

How I cam across this is by thinking about it when working on using eval() to rewrite a custom variable using a variable. I used the $_GET inside the eval() and when thinking, I thought that it could easily be injected in so I decided to add in echo 'Hello World' in the query of the url and when the page loaded, it printed. And I was just using $_GET to assign to a variable, not to print it raw.

This quick blog post is to share my experiment that eval() is not safe toward using things such as $_GET and $_POST. Also, even though you cannot see $_POST, doesn't mean it can use that to inject code into your webpage.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Evidence that you might be related to royality

 Everyone here should know about kings and queens, correct? If you watched the infographic channel on youtube about kings and queens and incest included in them then you should get a idea of what everything might mean.

It is possible that about above half of the population is related to royalty in some way or another through common ancestry.

As I am probably guessing, it is possible to see how close you were towards king henry VIII. Back then, kings and queens wanted their blood of generations to be as pure as possible, which means that they commit such acts as incest. Meaning that they procreate with their siblings, they may also just procreate with their uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. A lot of people may think this may be harmless and has no consequences to it, well you are wrong. Procreating with with someone closely related to you is bad, as the baby will most indeed have a lot of health problems and may not live very long. An example of this is king Tut, he died at the mere age of 19. And if you have done research, you can see that his parents were actually siblings. But that is not the only example, you can see more examples from videos of the infographic channel on youtube as they did a whole video on the topic.

So you are probably wondering why I am telling you all of this and probably just figure that this is clickbait. Well, my friend, this is just showing that most health problems may just be a result of incest. Depending on you, if you have recent family history that has health problems at a young age, you may just be related to royalty of some sort. Either that or some of your ancestors were doing some illegal stuff. But yeah, you might just be related to royalty quite close, depending on your circumstance.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Where do fetishes develop inside a person

 Hello, and welcome back to my blog. In this post I will describe where fetishes originate from inside a person. You will be quite surprised about the logic to how it originates.

To start off, almost all fetishes are sexual interests like feet (Which I notice is the most common.). So since feet seems to be the most common fetish, I'll be using that as the example fetish as most should relate. 

So, some may think that in every aspect of a fetish it is sexual, right? You are probably thinking of it right now as you are probably reading this. Well, you are half right. Some people may just treat feet as something sexual. Like licking someone's feet (Which to me is gross.). But here is the part that could make it not sexual, some people might just enjoy looking at feet and possibly wouldn't mind giving it a massage if someone's feet is hurting. That part is in fact not sexual. Massaging someone's feet isn't sexual much and looking at someone's feet is harmless. Some people may get paid to massage someone's entire body, including their feet. So not all that sexual to just massage someone's feet unless someone't makes it sexual somehow.

When and how does it develop:
Believe it or not, a fetish actually can develop as young as 4 years old, maybe younger. The main reason is how a person's brain develop. Things from a great interest or curiosity as childhood may or may not develop into a fetish. About almost everyone may not think it because children doesn't 100% know what a fetish is so don't really outspoken it but may act it out toward their friends. Since they are children, it is all harmless, or should anyways.

You might be able to guess they will develop it if they seem to like a particular body part, creature, and how non-focus a child might be (Meaning much they may seem to be thinking.).

It is quite impossible to make sure a child doesn't develop a fetish as it may be from a book, a television show, influences, or possibly from just being near someone. Which taking away all of those isn't actually good for a child.

If you notice anything like that, you should possibly wait until their early teens, where their brains are working overtime in development and see how their behavior may change. You may or may no need to take them to see therapy. If what they are after during their early teens seem to be harmless, it is best to don't worry about it much, but if it seems that what they are doing could be harmful to them or anyone around them, it is best to take them to therapy as soon as possible.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Block Codes Suggestions

Hello everyone, I like to make this blog post to say a suggestion I had for programs that uses block codes to create stuff. I had this idea for a couple years now so if any developers that makes anything with Block Codes, this blog post will help give a suggestion to make Block Code a bit for Flexible.

I don't know if anything has this feature in it yet but my suggestion is to add custom block codes. Most block codes are like functions in a way and sometimes events as well. This suggestion I had would allow the use to create custom functions and event to the block codes drag and drop. This will be handy because block codes won't have everything and people will just create one of it and be able to create tons of it from writing only one function.

I also have an idea of how this will work. I will only mark it for function as I don't really know how it would 100% be done for events. For functions, there will be, of course, an editor for it. In the editor the person can write the function and inside can write any code in it that could relate to the programming language the functions belongs with. But for parameters, it will be a bit different as it should add in a property menu for parameters where the user can write each parameter down, separated by the separate syntax for the programming language and you should be able to highlight the parameter and set custom predefined words to that parameter for you to use a drop-down list in the block codes, or you could make it custom text as well.

That is my suggestion for it as it seems like a really good idea to add in anything block code drag and drop features. Hopefully this wasn't too confusion to read.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Alarm Sound - Annoying Sounds

Hello all, a couple weeks ago I created this annoying alarm sound which could be use for anything to fire alarms to alarm clocks. If you have trouble waking up to like a alarm clock, even at full blast and this alarm seems to make you wanna smash the device it is playing on than it is a perfect alarm for you.

Warning: I didn't really test this on a lot of people because of resources available but for safety reason, anyone who has health problems that can relate to certain sound waves and pattern should not listen to it. You have been warned. This is for safety reasons as this alarm could cause complications.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Minecraft Tips - Going Mining

When you are going mining, there are a few things you might need to know before you head down. There may never be any perfect way but this way is what I found best while playing Minecraft.

If you are just wanting to going a little dip in a cave for resources such as granite or cobblestone than you don't really need to read all of this yet. These instructions are meant for if you want to explore very deep in the cave, to uncharted/untorched areas.
  • Inventory: Make sure you keep everything you most likely need in a chest at your base/spawn point. The supplies that is recommended to have will be included in the supplies area of this passage.
  • Supplies: Grabbing the right supplies is quite important, depending on the situation, you don't want to starve down there or lost.
    1. 4 Pickaxes - Pickaxes are most important, you should at least have 4 in your inventory, iron is most preferred as most ores can be mined from an Iron pickaxe or higher. Plus iron is actually quite common as well. Which you might saying it isn't compact. Well, as you know, pickaxes has durability and once they break, you have more room for resources.
    2. 1-2 Stacks of Sticks - You are probably wondering why but it is quite obvious, stick are needed for torches and is more compressed than torches as you may need more space for resources. Keeping just sticks is also way more efficient than just keeps oak planks as you might need to create torches quickly.
    3. Stack of torches - Make sure you keep 1 stack of torches, no more than one stack since you need room for resources and you never know how much you get, you might just be filled to the brim with good resources and than you found diamonds, you won't have no room so it is good to get as compact as possible.
    4. 1 Sword (Needed if not on peaceful) - A sword is important in a cave, if you are on easy, normal, hard, or even hardcore mode, you will most likely need a sword to defend yourself, especially if you found a dungeon.
    5. 1 Crafting Table - You will need a crafting table just in case you accidentally used up all your pickaxes and found something really good.
    6. 1 Stack of Building blocks - You also need one stack of any kind of block, as long as it can drop itself and isn't intractable, as that will be a pain. Although you can mine blocks, why waste the pickaxe to do so, unless you just need like cobblestone, which if that is a case than just bring pickaxes.
    7. 1 Stack of food - It is also best to bring 1 stack of food of any kind. Just make sure it is enough and make sure to use them wisely.
    8. A Shovel - A shovel is also important because you might accidentally crush yourself with a bunch of gravel or sand and using a shovel can easily get you out of that.
  • Optional Supplies: I am going to list some supplies that you have an option to bring which might be handy enough in different situations.
    1. Potions: Fire Resistance - When bring some extra supplies, it is best to bring a fire resistance potion along with you as there are plenty of lava spots that you could burn yourself with and lose your stuffs forever. This is marked as optional because a brewing stand is made with a blaze rod which is found in the nether which you need to get there with an obsidian portal which is usually found underground.
  • Armor: It is best to put on good armor before going very deep in the mine as you may just need because if you die from fall damage or from a mob, depending on how good your memory is or where you were where you died, by the time you get there, all your stuff will probably despawn so it is best to bring good armor.
I am going to also list some very important rules about cave exploration as it is very important to know them.
  1. Don't dig straight up or down
    • Why: The reason as to not dig straight down because you might dig straight down to a ravine that has a huge lake of lava or just fall to your death. You also don't dig straight up as there might be lava above you or just sitting gravel that will suffocate you. 
These are all the tips I know from other people's past experience or sayings and from my experiences, so I hope that if you read this that this helped you or was quite interesting for you to read.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Minecraft Tips - Intro

I will say that I do like Minecraft quite a bit and so does most people as well. I am planning on making a new series of posts relating on Minecraft tips I found out and could help most players.

In this series of posts, I will talk about things including things I have discovered for myself, experiences, and simple tips that everyone might need to know while playing the game.

Lists of Categories: (Categories of what the Minecraft tips I may/might talk about.)
  • Basic: Some basic things that you might just need to know to make your game play in Minecraft a bit easier
  • Adventure: Things including things such as what you might need to adventure and such in different regions, including caves, body of water, jungle, end, nether, etc.
  • Items: How you would store items or use them under certain circumstance.
  • Storage: What storage techniques you could use at the beginning of a survival world

Complicated could be better

    As I think about some things that others might not think of, making complicated things can be better. I am going to share my thoughts on complicated things. I am a developer who usually creates Roblox games and making complicated/complex things can be better, especially in programming. Which is, as long as you understand what you are doing. I am going to talk about computers for a bit and describe why complex and complicated things can be good, as well as the human body, as in my opinion, technology and the human body are very similar, more similar to the brain than anything, a computer is more like the brain than anything.

Making certain things complicated has it's perks, it could help make things less flawed. This is quite useful and can make life better and safer if you create things complicated. Such examples are bridges, make a bridge too simple and it could just collapse easily. Make a program too simple and most likely going to cause a lot of bugs or glitches.

One major con to this is the knowledge that might be needed to make things complicated. For bridges, you need to learn all about physics, for programming you need to know all of the methods, functions, events, etc that is needed, or for the brain, if you wanted to create a brain from scratch for some odd reason, you would need to know a lot about the brain. But you know what, it might just be worth learning and could be a good career for you.

Simple Can Still be better with some complexity to it:
Simple can be better still, look at the game called Minecraft, in design it is quite simple but in code, it is complex. This game is one of the most popular games in the world and yet it is quite simple. For some things, if you want it to become popular, it is best to make it simple on the eyes and complex behind the scenes of your project.

How to understand your complicated things a bit better:
So a con of creating complicated things is the loss in looking at it if you want to upgrade it but there is a way to prevent this issue. To prevent this issue, you would have to create instructions and/or a diagram.

In conclusion, some things are best complicated usually but in some aspects of your complicated projects/creations, it is best to add some simple to the design of it. You should most likely never want to make something complicated inside and out because although you may understand yourself, others might. But this is towards things that are meant for the public to see. If you want your own projects/creations to be private than it is best in that situation to make it complicated inside and out, but remember to make instructions or a diagram for it, don't just rely on memory.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

How to spot scammers and bots

Scammers are the worst, they think that they are smarter than us and thinks we are the dumbest ever, or I think that anyways, there was evidence that proves that they think we are dumb. What's also the worst, they try to attack children the most, an example from this is from Roblox, except it can easily be determine if they are fake because their skin color was like green, red, blue, etc. and they had a block head, it really out stands from the rest. It seems they fixed that issue and seems they finally created a bot detector, which I actually suggested to them way before they added. Their is different from google's bot detector, they made it where the user must make the image right side up, which is perfect, as it is child-friendly. 

So let's begin on how to spot scammers and bots. Scammers and bots are a little bit familiar, depending on the type of bot, all bots are actually bad, some bots helps you find things over the internet, that is how Bing, Google, DuckDuckGo, etc. works. So if you think they just do it manually than no, it is quite a little laughable because of how many search results you can get, it would probably take them over maybe about 500-1000 years, working non-stop just to put all those results in a database. They use bots to do all the work to put those results in a database. So bots and scammers are similar, bots usually work for scammers by luring in prey to either get them to buy something useless or take everything away from them, such as cash or someone's house of the sort. So I'll describe some methods to detect these things.

  1. Patterns and similarities - Usually when a scammer wants to take something or just want to make money off something from a mass populated site, they usually will make duplicates, most of the scammers won't want to create every single account and set the data and make them personally send people private messages, sending them links to somewhere to scam them from, so they make bots to create a lot of accounts and go to people simultaneous and send them messages. This patterns are usually easily identified when they use duplicates of them.
    • To detect the pattern look for similar text and false accusations, such as if they claim they are "admin", most website prevents this false accusations by giving an actual admin something to show they are an admin. Youtube also does something similar for popular people by saying they are verified.
    • All scammer bots usually will use almost the same method, so if you had old experiences with them than you could easily detect who is a bot or not.
  2. Don't judge a book by it's cover - Most important thing is to not judge a book by it's cover, some people might just lose their account to a scammer and the scammer will use their account as a bot so they could trick people more easily.
    • If anyone ever tells you that you won something and send you a link, just don't believe them and think you actually won something, because guess what, you most likely didn't.
  3. Survey's - Uhhhh, the survey system, which they claimed it is to prevent a robot and see if you are human. Survey's can in fact easily be cheated with bots using a specific algorithm. Google's reCAPTCHA is smarter than the survey system and when someone try to sign up for those survey's, it doesn't work, I know many people who tried but failed, saying incomplete still, even if you finish it the so-called survey.
  4. Website's Free Currency Giver - It isn't actually how you can tell if it is a scammer but like to point out that they never work, I tried it before for Roblox and than just told me to complete a survey, stupid...I learned that I should just earn it the right way as there is no easy way.
That is all the ways I know of how to spot a scammer, if there is another way to spot a scammer that I haven't added up their than please don't hesitate to say, I'll try to put it up there as well.

Their isn't much to put here as there is nothing much to say about it except for some details and how to spot a scammer. Hope you enjoyed reading this.

Own Experiences

Why your teenage child might be rebellious

Almost all parents has rebellious teenage children, I bet most of them don't know why they are like this. Well, I might have a perfect logical thought on this.

All of this is relating to people's lifestyles, some are free and some are restricted. This is a huge point to point out as to why they might just be acting rebellious. Parents who are more restricted to their children are more likely of them being more rebellious and cocky, it can also be the other way around as well. The rule is to not be too free or too restricted as being parents.

Social Interactions:
The older your child gets, the more social they get, especially at their teenage years. The reason I pointed this out is because they might just talk about their lifestyle at school, like if they get grounded for something small and then talked to their friend(s) about it, they might reply that they wouldn't get grounded for that or something similar to that. The thoughts in their head would be how unfair it is that I get grounded for that but they don't. So, let's starting explaining the thoughts of them before they get more social. Anything the parents did and what their lifestyle was, the child would think it would be the normal with any other. Since they thought that for years, it would most likely be the reason they would have a purpose to repel after hearing what their friend said. So, technically teenagers might just repel because of jealously.

This would most likely occur in a family who picks favorites, and depending on the ages of your children, one or more of your children might just repel at a young age. For explanation as to why, it is quite simple, so let's put up a scenery to help show it more.
    Youngest - 4th Grade
    Oldest - 6th Grade
    You are a parent with two children, you favored the youngest than the oldest as your youngest child was always a baby in your eyes. Your oldest got an A on their test but you just replied "okay", you see the oldest get a little frustrated at this and walked off, just thinking he is just acting like any other kids act. You than saw your youngest got a B+ on a test, You said, this needs to be hanged up on the fridge, as you kissed his cheek and said good job. You than seen your oldest look at what happened and seen that he seems to get even more frustrated. You just shrug it off, just thinking he is just acting out like any other kid.
Oldest Child
    You have a little brother that you think your parents like more than you, here is why you think that. I got an A on my test and when I showed it to your mom and said "Look mom, I got an A on my test in Science" as she looked at you she just responded "okay", you get a little upset and frustrated so you went off to your room. About 10 minutes later, you forgot to get yourself a snack before going in your room, while you went off to the kitchen, your brother ran up to you and showed you his grade, which was a B+, which wasn't that bad and than he ran off to show mom.You continued to walk to the kitchen and you heard you mom praise his and went to look in the living room, as that is where she was. You heard your mother say "we will put this on the fridge" or something like that, you get frustrated at this and you saw your mom look this way, you decided to walk off again frustrated without getting a snack.
This is of course a scenery and not much of a story, so it might just be a bit confusing depending on info and stuff like that. But anyways, this scenery is a perfect example for visuals, as you seen that you are being treated unfairly and differently.

Another Example:
Some riots and rebellions can occur when people might just disagree, think they are being unfair. But large groups of this is quite rare and mainly will only happen if a mass group of people disagree with someone/something that has higher authority than them.

The main purpose for if your teenage child might be rebellious could be because of disagreeing and jealous, which is in fact the main two things that cause it. To any new parents out there, don't be too free nor too restricted, it isn't a best strategy to be too restricted nor too free towards your child. It isn't also right to punish your child if it could obviously be the other. And if you have two children or more and they start to fight, punish both of them, not the one that started it because one of them could possibly be lying, and it can make the child rebellious as a teen, especially if they been framed for something like that.

Notice: This information was from observing and not been tested, this information could in fact actually help parents as the tips are true. Only facts that might either be false or true is if the reasons listed is in fact the reason your teenage child might be rebellious.
I would appreciate if you try it for yourself and give feedback if it works in a couple years, as I do not have kids.

So, you messed up your sleep schedule

So, you messed up your sleep schedule. Let's say you use to sleep at about 10:00 - 11:00 PM but than every night you texted or called your friends or boyfriend/girlfriend and realized you stayed up a bit too late, not keeping track of time, you realized you been going to sleeping late. You freak out because of work or school. I will share a healthy way and some unhealthy ways of getting your sleep schedule back on track.

A simple way to do it as healthy as you can is to not just all of a sudden try to go to sleep at 11:00 PM again, you will just have trouble going to sleep. A simple one would be every night pay attention to the time and try to sleep one hour or 30 minutes before what you went to sleep before. Continue this process until you went to sleep at the time you wish to start sleeping at. This is only logic sense as it may or may not work but may be more healthier towards everyone.

This of course takes time to do, but if you want to for some odd reason wanna find a shortcut (Mind you that this way is quite unhealthy.) Stay up all that night and than you will be so tired that you will go to sleep at the time you wish. There are some things that could unexpectedly happen. Such as you could all of a sudden collapse and fall asleep during the day, which could mess up your sleep schedule even more. Plus, it could decrease your life span and make you prone to sickness.

There is one other shortcut that might just be in the middle of being healthy and unhealthy. Which is taking Melatonin. You don't need a prescription for it, as it is something your brain makes. The unhealthy part of it is the side affects, to most people, it is safe but might cause some problems to people who has a bleeding disorder or is pregnant. Melatonin could make someone with a bleeding disorder bleed.

Both sleeping too much and sleeping too little could be bad. Which you are saying how come bears can sleep for months, how can it be a bad thing to sleep too much. Well, it is a simple answer, bears eats a lot before they go into hibernation. It is kind of like a coma, doctor's put someone on life support, meaning they insert the nutrition and others into our body to keep us alive. Sleeping too long could kill us, or will just decrease our health and get us sick. Sleep isn't always the answer. For me, it is weird because when ever I get a cold I feel a lot more better when I am active but I feel a lot worst and miserable when lying down on my bed watching TV.

I decided to share this information because from these rough times and people losing their jobs. Some people will contact other people and might accidentally stay up too late and than in the future, after this whole thing blows over, it could just cause more problems to people's health, than people will blame the president and say he is a liar because Donald Trump did say "Let's make america great again", I do bet right now people are guessing second thoughts, I don't like Donald Trump but I think people shouldn't just think second thoughts on this. This whole thing was a surprise and spread way too quickly, a little too quickly I think.

Well anyways, give me feedback on my tips and please say if it worked for you or not, I am in fact trying my estimated most healthy solution right now and like if people could join the experiment. Also, if it does work for you than please share with your friends.

Sources: (These sources will include more information from what I stated.)

Triangle Skeleton

I created a Triangle Skeleton. Using the Sin, Tan, and Cos. It shows the skeleton of the Triangle. I created a desmos to show what I mean in this sense.
In my diagram, it shows the skeleton in a cross format, meaning it shows Tan and Sin twice and showing Cos once, since Cos is in the center.

There was no sources used for this except for trigonometry.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Temperature 2020 (Average | Spreadsheet)

Hello viewers. For anyone who is around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania or just curious about the temperatures around the area, I created a google sheets database showing the temperatures of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I don't actually live in Pittsburgh, I live an hour away from Pittsburgh. I live in Indiana, PA which is close to Pittsburgh.

Hopefully by every year, I will make the data table more advance and go across Pennsylvania and make extras that goes around the US.

I will try every day to insert data.

Sources: (These sources includes what was used to insert the data.)