Thursday, June 10, 2021

The H5G9 Virus - How it may work

     This is all fictional from the Netflix original called Sweet Tooth. A virus that makes Cancer 2nd prioritized. It is even worst than SARS-CoV-2 aka covid-19. Which might be some of the inspiration for it an may just be included as it might be easier to work on because of the relation. But during the time of 'The Sick', a new hybrid human emerged. Half animal, half human.

    H5G9 is strange virus in my opinion, with weird symptoms and death. The most common symptom of the sick is a twitching pinky. Meaning that this virus infects the nervous system. Specifically, in seems to only infect around the ulnar nerve, aka the funny bone. The nerve connects all the way to your hand and mainly evades more around the pinky region.

Some other facts about the virus is the sick seems to grow purple flowers wherever the sick goes. Which may help survivors learn where the sick has been. Those flowers seems to be the most hated as people seems to kill the flowers, even though it just seems like a regular flower. It seem to doesn't really matter if the sick dies or stays alive, wherever they have been, the flower seems to grow. So from this info, it might be possible that the virus is a type of fungi. There are some fungi that infects small animals like the Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis fungus. Which is a fungi the mainly infects ants to make them act like zombies almost. And how they do that is control the nervous system. 

The main reason why I say the virus is a type of fungi is the fact that fungi can form mushrooms. As a way to reproduce. The purple flower doesn't look like a mushroom but it is beautiful, which could be another way for it to reproduce. As if the host die, it's going to be hard for it to try to live on. But, unfortunately, about no one gets near the flower to find out, so it may just be a leftover of a dead virus. But it still is a possibility.

This is all I have observed from the show Sweet Tooth. But here is some observations I have already gotten. And if you have a Netflix subscription, go check out Sweet Tooth. Any new observations, I will be sure to jot it down.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

What if cats were easier to train

Summary and Intro:
    Everyone probably heard the saying of cats having 9 lives, I theorize that the reason for that is because of how durable cats are. More towards adults cats though as baby kittens and newborns are fragile. Cats are very good hunters, stalkers, etc. If a cat wanted, they could probably save a baby from a burning building.

    A lot of people misunderstand cats as being lazy, anti-social, etc. But that isn't actually true, each cat is actually unique, and it is quite easy to pick favorites of kittens rather than dogs. My mom is more of a dog person than a cat person and my mom really favored this one cat for the fact that the cat had a personality like a dog, the cat licks my mom face like a dog, as well as give attention to her like a dog, he always slept in their bed with them when it was bed time, mainly purring and lying down. That cat was my mom's favorite cat, as well as the rest. A cat could just be pure evil or just pure nice, a cat could be anti-social or very social. They are unique in about almost every way.

Cats also has a more wide language in communicating, such as purring, meowing, cry meowing, etc. And cats use this more often. It is also satisfying to hear some of them as well.

To the point:
Now then, for the point of what if cats were easier to train, Well, for one thing, you would probably see more of them in the force, like a fire fighter or a police officer, they could probably do about more, they could actually even manage to catch criminals and even manage to search for survivors in a building on fire even more more efficient than dogs as they could get pass the smallest of holes a dog would of probably couldn't do, if they used dogs for that sort of thing, I don't know honestly, trying to make an example.

Cats could also be good scouts in looking for criminal activity, because of how stealthy they are and their agility, they could easily find criminal activity.

You may be thinking of some stuff of when cats did stupid things and that even if they were able to be trained, they wouldn't survive long. I have mentioned that each cat in unique and that also includes intelligence. Some cats can actually be very intelligent while others the complete opposite. Which testing a cat's intelligent can be quite easy by creating an obstacle course with parkour and doors with door knob levers. That could a way to test the intelligent, which is how efficient they get to the cat food.

But, this is all theoretical, so this all may be fiction. But it's a thought.