Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to Jonathan's Reality, this is where I talk about many different things. I'll post data for different things, say about my discoveries, and I'll share some of my ideas in information that may or may not be true, don't worry how ever, I'll put a notice on the bottom of anything that has my ideas or discoveries saying what information might be true and which one has not yet be tested. Any information I put that I feel rusty on, I'll double check my research, and if you spot any errors than please give a feedback on that and I'll redo that research, I'll only redo my research on things that shows evidence and statements to my ideas and discoveries, not my ideas and discoveries, but there will be some exception to it if necessary.

What I'll put on here depends on what I am think and think if I should share it. I will put things here that I think should be shared, I sometimes will put data of certain things, like my Average Temperature spreadsheet data table. I like to try to put what ever is on my mind to share with the public to show them my thoughts and theories. My theories are usually as logical as I can get, reference from other knowledge I know quite well.

Some things I might publish many in one day, the reason for that isn't because I think of things quick or have a secret team I have (Which I don't for right now, but planning of getting a team for publishing data that is for across the United states and stuff), it is because of things I thought of years before that I just had on my chest. This blogs helps me share things I thought of before. Also, it may include some extras that I just felt like doing.

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